In today’s post, we will focus on important behaviors that influence oral health. Of course, effective brushing and flossing are two vital habits for healthy teeth, but there are many more things we can do to keep a healthy smile. Diet Do’s Do eat a nutritious diet with a variety of foods. This is needed…
Dental Implant Success: The Odds Are In Your Favor
During consultations at Mark A. Miely DDS, we are often asked about the success rate of tooth implants. In case you are unfamiliar with tooth implants, first let’s discuss what they are. What is a Dental Implant? A dental implant is a permanent replacement tooth root. It is inserted into the jaw and eventually meshes…
See Mark A. Miely DDS For A Smile Impossible To Ignore
Many Upper Arlington residents consider the myriad options available to stop the aging clock. Whether it is a surgical procedure, botox, hair implants, or a chemical peel, Ohio residents have countless choices to help them look more youthful. I am Doctor Mark Miely and I am excited to tell you about a simple and affordable…
Should You Worry About Dental X-rays?
Providing quality dental care is much easier for dentists when they have extensive, comprehensive information about their patients’ oral health. Pictures are more useful than written notes. To go a step further: pictures that show what’s going on below the visible surface of your teeth are worth even more than a thousand words. So, along…
Do I Floss My New Tooth Implant?
Do I need to change my flossing technique for a dental implant? Before you got an implant, hopefully, you were brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily. If you wear dentures, you should have been cleaning them with a denture paste and brushing the soft tissues in your mouth. A tooth implant requires…
Keep Active Smiles Healthy
It’s hard to enjoy sports if you have dental issues. Despite many athletes being health-conscious, there is a concerning rate of tooth woes among athletes of all ages. Let’s talk about two alarming studies. 40% of athletes reported oral health problems A study cited in the British Journal of Sports Medicine explored how poor oral…