‘Knocked’ is a relatively benign word for an accident so violent it dislodges a tooth. Ouch! We hope this never happens to you. But… if it does, here is what you should do. 1. Find the Tooth If you’re in panic mode, ask for help. When you find the tooth, handle it carefully. Keep it…
Implants Prevent Denture-Related Health Problems
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 25% of adults over 65 have no remaining teeth. Many individuals with missing teeth or no teeth at all choose dentures. This is understandable. It’s challenging to eat and speak with no teeth in the mouth. And a toothless mouth is not an attractive look for…
Mark A. Miely DDS Guide To Healthy Tooth Enamel
Tooth enamel is one of the strongest substances in the body, but it is non-renewable so it is vital to not neglect or abuse our teeth. Practicing daily oral hygiene is vital for enamel health. Even though every drug store carries hard bristle brushes, we advise our patients to brush with a soft brush after…
Fixing Chipped Teeth With Bonding
A cosmetic dentist’s toolkit is filled with handy tools for fixing most types of cosmetic tooth dilemmas. In the past few years, porcelain veneers, dental implants, and same-day teeth whitening have attracted a lot of publicity. In today’s post, we are going to talk about an effective, yet relatively uncelebrated dental treatment that has been…
Keep Active Smiles Healthy
It’s hard to enjoy sports if you have dental issues. Despite many athletes being health-conscious, there is a concerning rate of tooth woes among athletes of all ages. Let’s talk about two alarming studies. 40% of athletes reported oral health problems A study cited in the British Journal of Sports Medicine explored how poor oral…
You Have Nothing To Lose Except Loose Dentures
Today’s dental technology has solved the dilemma of bothersome loose-fitting dentures with an exceptional tooth replacement option. Instead of relying on your tongue, a weak suction, and some dental adhesive to keep false teeth in place, dental implant posts can anchor full or partial dentures. The dentures are secure enough to allow the wearer to…