To state the obvious, nobody enjoys pain. Doctor Miely knows this, and that is why the dental team at Mark A. Miely DDS has made patient comfort our first priority. In conjunction with creating a calm environment, we have various medications that can lower and even eliminate pain associated with different dental procedures to give…
6 Easy Ways To Eat Like A Dentist
Hello friends of Mark A. Miely DDS! In today’s article, we are talking about nutrition. There is nothing that impacts your smile as much as your eating habits. Develop good eating practices and your dentist will smile down on you too. 1. Rinse after eating Rinse your mouth with a drink of water or brush your…
What Is Laser Dentistry?
The word “LASER” is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A laser device emits a powerful, highly-concentrated beam of light. (Didn’t we all love the amazing laser weapons in ‘Star Wars?’) Lasers are used in hundreds of applications in almost every Ohio industry including communications, researching, manufacturing, entertainment and medicine. Lasers…
5 Tips For Treating Mouth Sores
Hi. I’m Doctor Mark Miely. When my patients get mouth sores, I advise them to evaluate what they’re eating and make some changes. By following these tips, you too can avoid the discomfort of eating and help to increase the speed of healing. 1. Eat soft or pureed foods. Don’t worry, you won’t have to…
What is Dental Sleep Medicine?
What is dental sleep medicine? It’s a relatively new branch of dentistry that treats sleep apnea and other sleep-related breathing problems. Don’t confuse dental sleep medicine with dental sedation or sleep dentistry. Dental sleep medicine treats sleep apnea. What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a malady where you have frequent, recurring delays in breathing…
The 411 on TMJ
Do you have unexplained pain or clicking sounds in your jaw? They can be signs of serious oral issues. Some ailments with the jaw and the muscles that control it are known as temporomandibular disorders (TMD). But it’s also called TMJ, because that’s the acronym for the name of the joint. Technically, that’s not correct.…