‘Knocked’ is a relatively benign word for an accident so violent it dislodges a tooth. Ouch! We hope this never happens to you. But… if it does, here is what you should do. 1. Find the Tooth If you’re in panic mode, ask for help. When you find the tooth, handle it carefully. Keep it…
We Take Jaw Pain Seriously
If you are affected by a temporomandibular joint disorder or TMD, you know how the pain and discomfort can lower your quality of life. Mark A. Miely DDS TMD treatment has helped countless patients manage their condition. The temporomandibular or jaw joint connects the lower jaw bone to the skull. TMD is often associated with…
Quality Dental Care: A Responsible Investment
Preparing to pay for essential dental work can be a daunting undertaking. The good news is that the rate may be far less than you imagined. Knowing your needs is crucial to planning your budget for dental work. Trying to Compare Comparing the price of a dental crown for molars versus the price of a…
Implants Prevent Denture-Related Health Problems
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 25% of adults over 65 have no remaining teeth. Many individuals with missing teeth or no teeth at all choose dentures. This is understandable. It’s challenging to eat and speak with no teeth in the mouth. And a toothless mouth is not an attractive look for…
Bad Breath Is No Fun
Imagine you are starting a new job and are going to speak with your new boss for the first time. Confidence is key to your success. As you reach out to shake the extended hand your broad confident smile exposes rows of pearly white teeth, yet when you open your mouth to exchange greetings you…
You Can’t Afford Cheap Dental Work
Have you ever gotten a killer deal on a used car that turned out to be a lemon? After a couple years of nonstop repairs, you realized that it ended up costing as much as a new auto would have. And after spending all that money, you still have a clunker. The same is true…