Why should everyone brush at least twice a day? Let’s consider why this is essential. Brushing and flossing is the best way to prevent decay. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste and carefully flossing removes the food from our teeth and prevents the build-up of plaque. If we let food stay on our teeth, the starches in the…
Health Habits To Keep You Smiling
In today’s post, we will focus on important behaviors that influence oral health. Of course, effective brushing and flossing are two vital habits for healthy teeth, but there are many more things we can do to keep a healthy smile. Diet Do’s Do eat a nutritious diet with a variety of foods. This is needed…
Do I Floss My New Tooth Implant?
Do I need to change my flossing technique for a dental implant? Before you got an implant, hopefully, you were brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily. If you wear dentures, you should have been cleaning them with a denture paste and brushing the soft tissues in your mouth. A tooth implant requires…
Periodontal Disease Is Linked To Systemic Diseases
What do your gums do? The soft tissue in your mouth, like skin, has an important job. It safeguards the roots of your teeth. It also provides a barrier for the connective tissues and ligaments that hold your teeth in their sockets. Plus the alveolar bone in which your teeth are anchored. What is gum…
Does My Dentist Care About My Diet?
When people in the Columbus area think of diet and oral health, they commonly think about the damage sweet drinks can cause to teeth. While it’s true that these detrimental sugars cause increased acidity in the mouth and lead to tooth decay, soda and sugary fruit drinks are only part of the problem. The typical…
Protect Your Enamel, Protect Your Teeth
Your enamel is uniquely suited to guard your teeth. If you keep your tooth enamel healthy, you will avoid many dental maladies. You won’t get cavities. Your teeth will be less likely to chip or crack. You will avoid many causes of tooth stains. It’s best to form enamel-healthy habits when you’re young. Teach your…